Intelligent Bio Solutions, Inc. Confidential and Anonymous Financial Concern Hotline
In accordance with the final ruling concerning Audit Committee standards by the SEC, Intelligent Bio Solutions, Inc. is required to provide a platform for the receipt, retention, and handling of complaints concerning accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters.
We welcome any comments relating to such matters through this interface. Your message will be encrypted and delivered directly to the Audit Committee.
At Intelligent Bio Solutions, Inc., understanding and acting upon any financial, accounting and/or audit related concerns is an essential component to ensure the highest levels of financial fidelity.
You may leave a message via the Secure Web Form or Secure Hotline below.
Upon submission, you will receive a 14 to 16-digit confirmation number that can be used to track the status of your message. The Audit Committee may also use this number, with complete confidentiality, to request additional information if needed.
To anonymously follow up on your message, please click here.
Thank you. Integrity is everyone's responsibility at Intelligent Bio Solutions, Inc..