NewAmsterdam Pharma COMPANY N.V. (“NEWAMSTERDAM PHARMA”) Confidential and Anonymous Financial And Other Concern Hotline

The SEC, in the final ruling regarding standards relating to Audit Committees, requires that NewAmsterdam Pharma provide a facility for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters. Examples of these matters include accounting fraud, violations of cash management procedures and improper rights to access information.

Please feel free to contribute any comments through this interface regarding such accounting matters. Your message is encrypted and will be delivered directly to the Audit Committee and the Compliance Office.

Identifying and understanding any issues that exist regarding financial, accounting and/or audit matters is an essential component to NewAmsterdam Pharma's ability to take action and ensure the highest levels of financial integrity and accountability.

In addition, NewAmsterdam Pharma encourages reporting of suspected violations of NewAmsterdam Pharma’s Code of Conduct / Code of Ethics and may do so anonymously and assurances of non-retaliation for any good faith report, whether or not ultimately warranted. Examples of these kinds of issues include sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying, paying bribes and other violations of law or compliance policy.

You may leave a message using any one of two methods: Secure Web Form and Secure Hotline. To access the secure web form, please click below. To access the secure hotline, please call 833-636-3064.


Click here to view frequently asked questions

Secure Web Form

Click here to file your case using a secure and encrypted web form.

Secure Hotline

Click here to file your case using a secure hotline from any phone.

When you send a message using any of these methods, you will receive back a 14 to 16-digit code that can be used to access the status of your message. The Audit Committee may also use this to ask you, with complete confidentiality, for additional information regarding this issue.

To anonymously follow up on your message, please click here.

Thank you. Integrity is everyone's responsibility at NewAmsterdam Pharma.