Compass Diversified Confidential and Anonymous Financial Concern Hotline
The Securities and Exchange Commission, in the final ruling regarding standards relating to Audit Committees, requires that the company provide a facility for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters.
If you have a concern, question or complaint regarding our compliance with any policy or law, you can reach our Audit Committee via one of the two methods described below. Inquiries may be submitted anonymously and confidentially. All inquiries are received and reviewed by our Legal and Internal Audit Departments and will be responded to as quickly as possible. All accounting, audit, or control concerns will be addressed by the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors.
Understanding and acting upon any issues that exist regarding financial, accounting and/or audit matters is an essential component of our ability to take action and ensure the highest level of financial fidelity and ethical behavior.
You may leave a message using any one of two methods: Secure Web Form and Secure Hotline
When you send a message using any of these methods, you will receive back a 14 to 16-digit code that can be used to access the status of your message. The Audit Committee, Corporate Counsel or Vice President of Internal Audit may also use this code to ask you, in complete confidence, for additional information regarding your concern, question or complaint.
To anonymously follow up on your message, please click here.
Thank you. Integrity is everyone's responsibility.