Edgio Ethics Hotline
Did you know that Edgio has a confidential and anonymous ethics hotline to provide our employees with a means to anonymously communicate any issues or concerns regarding our governance, integrity, Code of Ethics violations, accounting, or internal controls? You can communicate concerns directly with our Audit Committee Chairman and our Chief Legal Officer in a user-friendly manner, using the secure hotline or the secure, web-based form submission links below. Both of these channels are managed by an independent third-party and are available to you at all times.
We are committed to our values and hold our employees to the highest standards of ethical conduct. We also respect and value your opinions and hope you will feel comfortable communicating your feedback through the Edgio Ethics Hotline, should the need arise. Feedback received will be thoroughly investigated to ensure there are sufficient grounds and evidence supporting it, and the matter will be resolved by appropriate action. Persons who in good faith report evidence of known or suspected fraud, theft, accounting or auditing improprieties, or other financial misconduct will not be retaliated against because of such reports.
When you send a message using any of these methods, you will receive back a 14 to 16-digit code that can be used to access the status of your message. The Audit Committee may also use this to ask you, with complete confidentiality, for additional information regarding this issue.
To anonymously follow up on your message, please click here.
Thank you. Integrity is everyone's responsibility at Edgio.