restor3d Confidential and Anonymous Financial Concern Hotline

restor3d has approved and requires adherence to the Code of Conduct. The restor3d Compliance Hotline provides a facility for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received regarding code of conduct.

Please feel free to contribute any comments through this interface regarding such accounting matters. Your message is encrypted and will be delivered directly to the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Legal Officer.

Understanding and acting upon any issues that exist regarding code of conduct compliance, financial, accounting and/or audit matters is an essential component to restor3D’s ability to take action and ensure the highest levels of compliance and financial fidelity.

You may leave a message using any one of two methods: Secure Web Form and Secure Hotline

When you send a message using any of these methods, you will receive back a 14 to 16-digit code that can be used to access the status of your message. The Chief Financial Officer and/or Chief Legal Officer may also use this to ask you, with complete confidentiality, for additional information regarding this issue.

Select link to anonymously follow up on your message.

Thank you. Integrity is everyone's responsibility at restor3d.